Tuesday, 19 March 2013

CULT BEAUTY: Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish review

I’ m sure for those of you who are avid beauty lovers, such as myself have heard  of this product and it is a beauty phenomenon. I bought my first bottle of this in April last year. I can safely say that never before have I re-purchased skincare, as I’m always on the quest for a Holy Grail product and I can safely say that I have found it. I know you've all probably heard loads about it but I thought I'd throw my humble opinion into the beauty blogging world too!
It’s a beautiful cleanser, a lovely thick creamy-like consistency. It smells very fresh with notes of eucalyptus and rosemary which is great for both morning and evening cleansing. Strangely, its one of those cleansers which has the amazing ability to wake you up in the morning, and relax you in the evening. Its designed to be suitable for all skin tones, and mine is mega-sensitive which is why I was sceptical about purchasing this for so long. I eventually bit the bullet and bought the starter kit in John Lewis. (I’m one of those weird people who doesn’t like buying things online, I like the customer service and satisfaction of physically buying something, but when I need a re-purchase and I can’t get to a John Lewis, I will have to cave). Anyhow, the starter kit comes with a 100ml bottle of cleanser and 2 muslin cloths. I take one pump for the evening and usually half a pump in the morning because otherwise you’ll storm through it. Massage it gently into dry skin, whilst letting the cloth soak in hand hot water. Then wring out the cloth and start ‘polishing’ it off your skin. Personally I prefer to use a flannel because it holds the heat more effectively. It is a truly effective makeup remover and cleanser all in one. Usually I have to use a makeup remover and then use a cleanser which is a bit of a pain, so this has solved all my problems. I follow with the Liz Earle Skin Boost tonic which is amazing. Whenever I use it I think ‘aaah’ and it feels relieved. It’s very cooling and refreshing. Just gorgeous!
That’s all common sense anyway. All I have to say really that this is a product which genuinely deserves all the hype around it. My skin has never looked so good. It’s sorted out my skin and manages to keep spots at bay, and just create a lovely dewy, radiant glow to the skin. An absolute skincare staple for me now.
The only negative thing I have to say about it is that if you buy the 100ml bottle for £13-ish, you do go through it rather quickly; especially if you’re using it twice a day. A 200ml is available for £24 but I never usually want to part with that much money. Plus the cloths get mucky quickly so pop them in a white wash after about every 3 uses. But all in all it’s an amazing cleanser/makeup remover and the fact that I need to repurchase my fourth bottle soon is the proof!

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